November 15th, 2017

5 Tips To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There’s nothing more rejuvenating than a good night sleep. And there’s nothing worse than a lack of sleep.

However, in our fast-paced society, many people aren’t getting the quality sleep that they need. We’re sleeping much less than we did before, and sleep deficiency is becoming increasingly common.

Yet adequate sleep is fundamental to a healthy lifestyle. Sleeping well is just as important as eating well, exercising regularly, or managing stress.

5 Reasons To Get A Good Night’s Sleep:

1. Less Hunger

If you’re trying to change your eating habits, you might also want to change your sleeping habits.

Studies have shown that a lack of sleep can increase your appetite, causing you to eat more. Better sleep helps to balance the hormones that induce hunger (ghrelin) and fullness (leptin). When you’re not well-rested, ghrelin rises while leptin goes down. A good night sleep, on the other hand, will control your appetite, making it easier to choose healthy foods.

2. Improved Concentration and Productivity

Are you having trouble concentrating on a project or assignment? Try taking a power nap.

A poor sleep cycle can impair brain function, and sleep issues make you less productive at work or at school. It might take you longer to complete tasks; your reaction time could be slower, or you might make frequent mistakes.

But better sleep enhances your learning abilities, problem-solving skills, and memory. With a good night’s rest, you’re better able to concentrate and stay productive throughout the day.

3. Stronger Immune Function

In addition to drinking more fluids, getting an adequate amount of sleep can also help you fight the common cold.

Chronic sleep deficiency weakens your immune response, affecting your ability to heal from a cold or virus. But sleep helps to boost your immune system, defending your body from harmful infections.

4. Greater Athletic Performance

If you’re trying to improve your tennis serve, you may perform better after sleeping.

A good night sleep can significantly enhance your accuracy, speed, and reaction times. You’ll have less daytime fatigue and increased physical stamina.

5. Better Mood

If you want to feel better, get on a sleep schedule.

Sleep deficiency could increase your risk of developing depression or anxiety. However, proper sleep provides you with more emotional stability, balance, and better overall mental health.

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleeping well is an important part of living well. Follow these tips to help you get a better night’s sleep:

  • Stick to a sleep schedule. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day, including weekends. This allows your body to adapt, comfortably, to a routine.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise has an invigorating yet relaxing effect on the body. But it’s also a stressor, so exercising late in the evening could make it harder to fall asleep. Instead, try exercising earlier in the day.
  • Dim the lights. The artificial light from your TV, phone, and computer screens can disrupt your sleeping patterns. Limit your exposure to screens during the evening – or, if possible, leave your devices in another room altogether.
  • Avoid stimulants. Caffeine, nicotine, and other stimulants can reduce the quality of your sleep. Try avoiding them for at least 6-8 hours before bed.
  • Quality, not quantity. If you feel refreshed after 5 hours of sleep, then don’t force yourself to sleep for an extra 3 hours. Sleep only as much as you need to in order to feel well-rested.
  • Calm down. Prepare your mind and body for sleep. Engage in a soothing activity, such as meditation or listening to calming music.

Go to Sleep

Although it’s often overlooked, sleep is one of the key factors of good health. We not only know this here at Fabulous, but we also dedicated a whole Journey to it!

Have a good night – and have a better morning.