By now, most of the world has witnessed the daring rescue of the small-town Thai soccer team the Wild Boars. A flood of monsoon water on June 23rd trapped the boys and their coach inside a cave for ten excruciating days. The rescue was nothing less than a miracle. The real marvel, however, was not the rescuers but the resilience of those young boys. What…
Posts tagged habit
30 Day Life Well-Balanced Challenge
How many times have you looked at your phone today? If you can’t answer the question, chances are you’ve done it too many times. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. We love technology as much as the next person. You’re using it right now to read about this challenge. But it’s become such a fixture in our lives that we’ve lost our balance. It’s time…
The Science of Behavior Change: How to Reset Your Habits
We all want to have good habits. In a perfect world, we’d be fully in control of our wants and needs. We’d get up extra early, work out, eat our vegetables, and floss every time without fail. We wouldn’t need to worry about changing our behavior because there’d be no behaviors we’d need to change! Unfortunately, life is nowhere near that simple. We give into…
30 Day Declutter Challenge Launched on Android!
Do you remember taking on the 30 day declutter challenge? It was a way for you to reclaim your home and get back on track! Our home is our sanctuary from the chaos around us, and if we want to live in a place that makes us feel relaxed and calm after a day out at work or running errands, then it’s up to us…
Fabulous Uncovers: Is Eating at Night Really Bad for You?
There are so many rules and restrictions surrounding food. From allowing yourself “cheat days” to cutting out gluten or carbs or fasting for certain hours of the day, to our least favorite rule: No eating at night! But what if you’re hungry at night? Sometimes you just need a bedtime snack! Is eating at night really that bad? And if so, why is it so…
How 5 Fabulous Strangers Embarked on an Unexpected Journey (Part 2)
Denice Davidson, 41, United States I started fabulous a long time ago when I was going through life changes and just needed a boost to motivate me. I wasn’t always this way. At that time I became healthier. I lost weight, and found a running partner to compete in races with. The app worked great and I was happy with my new norm. When I…
10 Health Benefits of a Morning Run
What is one habit nearly all highly-successful people have in common? A morning run. This sleek app will seriously help you build an effective morning run. by Jeffrey Johnson | Dec 12 2018 It’s no secret that running is an incredibly popular way to exercise, whether you go for a morning run, after work, or in the evening. In fact, tens of millions of people do…
How 4 Fabulous Strangers Embarked on an Unexpected Journey (Part 1)
Himanshu Walia, 30, France I recently moved to Paris from London with my family. Relocating with family is never an easy feat. It involved months of planning and, even then, it took us long to settle in here. As a result I wasn’t getting any exercise and living on junk food. Though I have always enjoyed an active lifestyle, I have never able to make…
Dealing with Grief: 5 Ways to Cope with Loss
There’s a fine line between grieving and allowing your emotions to affect your life and relationships, and it’s often tough to notice when we’ve crossed that line. Dealing with grief of any kind can take a different toll on everyone, but regardless of whether it’s the death of a loved one, a break up, or the loss of a friendship, the ways to cope remain…
I Tried Different Types of Yoga and This Is What Happened
Yoga originated in Northern India over 5,000 years ago and has since been reinvented hundreds of times in hundreds of different ways. What started as a daily practice to control the mind has evolved into an entire way of life. There are a handful of different types of yoga today. Average people have found fame and built businesses on the premise of living a plant-based…