You’ve finally had enough! Starting tomorrow, you are going to hit the gym and work out with complete dedication. You are fired up and ready to go. In fact, you are filled with so much energy that you think: What if I spend twice as long working out? When it comes to workout duration, most experts recommend anywhere between 45 to 90 minutes. But hold…
Browsing Category Health + Wellness
6 Things You Can Do on Sunday to Win the Week
Have you ever spent a Sunday morning lazily sipping a cup of coffee and wondering what to do with the rest of the day? Modern life is often so hectic that almost all of us are less focused on how to win the week ahead and more focused on just keeping our heads above water. So, when you wake up groggy on a Sunday morning,…
The 10 Best Ways to Stop Smoking
Smoking is one of the toughest habits to kick. Many are so daunted by the challenge that they don’t even bother trying. So if you’ve decided to quit smoking, congratulations! You’ve taken the difficult first step. Now the question is: how exactly are you going to beat your nicotine addiction? It’s true that everyone has their own path to take when it comes to giving…
Why Giving Up Alcohol is the Best Thing You Can Do For Your Body
“That’s it, I’m giving up alcohol for good!” It’s a phrase uttered by millions around the world as they slowly open their eyes on Sunday morning. They’ll most likely be suffering from a throbbing headache, dehydration and stomach cramps. Not to mention the vague sense of memory loss. And as the coffee machine is heating up, many contemplate giving up alcohol. Sadly, seven days and…
Why There Is No Easy Way to Quit Smoking
Some would say there are three types of smokers. The first category is pleased about smoking, perhaps because they’ve just started the habit or haven’t experienced any adverse effects yet. The second group feels uneasy about the habit they’ve acquired, and have occasionally thought about quitting. Finally there are those who are actively trying to quit with varying degrees of success. All three types of…
The Ultimate Guide on How to Be Happy
“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy‘. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life” – John Lennon. “Life is 10 percent what happens to…
Theories of Motivation: Part Two
“What would it take to get you to do this?” It’s a very common question, asked by different people at different times. It’s a question a teacher might ask a student who hasn’t completed an assignment. Or one a parent might yell in frustration upon seeing their teenager’s still untidy room. It’s the question you might ask yourself as you look in the mirror. The…
Theories of Motivation: Part One
The word “motivation” is very popular online these days. You can find “motivational” videos on YouTube, “motivational” posters on Instagram and even “motivational” articles on blogs. But what exactly does that word mean? Over the past century, with the rise of factories and organizations, there’s been a deeper focus on the concept of motivation. What drives an individual to work in a particular manner? Scientists,…
Healthy Breakfast Ideas? How About Chocolate?
Do you sometimes groan as you think about making breakfast? Are your current healthy breakfast ideas a little… uninspiring? Do you frown as your hand drowsily moves to pick up the tin of oats? Do you find yourself wishing you had something more interesting to eat for breakfast? Well, how about some chocolate? Now you’re definitely wide awake, and curious. Perhaps also a little suspicious….
Why You’re Always Waking Up Late
There’s a famous slogan credited to the U.S. Army: “We do more before 9 A.M. than most people do all day.” If just reading that sentence made you groan and pull the blanket over your face, don’t worry. You too can become a productive morning person and stop waking up late, without having to enlist for boot camp. If you’ve always suffered from not being…