Dealing with stress at work can be tricky. Even if we weren’t still enduring a pandemic and rising global unrest, stress is an inevitable part of life. One of the most stressful parts of our lives, according to, is our work lives. As many as 80 percent of people are dealing with stress in the workplace.
When it comes to learning how to cope with stress at work, however, resources can come up short. A free yoga class here and a deep breathing workshop there simply isn’t enough. People need real, long-term strategies for dealing with stress.
Ultimately, good stress management is built on a foundation of healthy habits. Adding stress-busting activities to your daily routine gives you the knowledge and practice you need to tap into that relief whenever you need it.
If you’re looking to manage your workplace stress, here are some habits we suggest.
Manage Workplace Stress With Daily Movement
Physical activity is a great way to effectively manage stress while also taking care of your body. The best part about it is that there really isn’t a wrong way to be active. Whether you prefer the high-intensity thrill of kickboxing or a simple walk around your block, movement keeps your body and mind at the top of their game.
And if you can include a daily movement practice while you’re at work? All the better! Here are a few examples of exercises you can do at work:
- Try walking meetings or a walking lunch
- Work with a standing desk
- Set an alarm to get up and stretch every hour
- Try an under-the-desk elliptical
Whatever you choose, just remember that some movement is better than none. You don’t have to be training for a triathlon to reap the benefits of exercise.
A Daily Meditation Practice Can Help You Cope
When would you rather learn how to do CPR? During a class with an instructor or during a medical emergency? Probably the former! We learn new skills in calm settings so we can absorb the concepts more effectively. Practicing when there isn’t an emergency helps prepare us for when there is one. When disaster strikes, your body already knows what to do.
You can apply the same idea to meditation. You can’t learn how to clear your mind and focus on your breath when you’re overwhelmed with stress. That’s why the best meditation practice is a daily one. Taking a few minutes each day to breathe and center yourself will make it that much easier to do so the next time you feel overwhelmed. Not sure where to start? Fabulous has a variety of guided meditations right in the app to help!
Set Boundaries To Avoid Bringing Workplace Stress Home
If you’re dealing with stress at work, you’re probably bringing that stress home with you. Letting yourself linger over what’s causing you to stress only serves to magnify those feelings. To make matters worse, there’s only so much work you can accomplish during off-hours, especially if you work in an office or other non-remote setting. All that worry also cuts into your much-needed (and much-deserved) relaxation time!
Setting hard boundaries between your work and personal lives grants you time and space away from that stress. Everyone needs a chance to rest and recharge their mental batteries and you are no different. Sometimes, just stepping away from a problem for a bit makes it easier to solve that problem later. Keep work at work and give yourself permission to relax.
What Else Can You Do To Manage Workplace Stress?
At Fabulous, we believe in the power of self-efficacy. There is so much you can accomplish with the right tools and guidance. But no one individual can cure all the workplace stress in the world and some stressors are just not problems you can solve by yourself.
It may be a difficult conversation but, if you’re still struggling to manage your workplace stress, reach out to your manager and have a conversation with them about it. Be open and honest; any employer worth their salt will recognize the value of retaining the talent they currently have. If you ask for help, your leaders will likely bend over backward to help.
What are your go-to stress management tips?