It started with a drink of water. Never in a million years did I think something as simple as a drink of water could do anything to improve my life. Sure, water kept me clean and satisfied thirst, but they made it sound like a glass of water in the morning would cure all my life problems. It’s not like I had anything to lose….
Posts tagged fabulous
Date Yourself: How to Gain Self-Confidence
There is a common misconception that confidence is something you either have or you don’t. But confidence isn’t something you’re born with; it’s something you build through wisdom and experience. Confidence is what happens when your negative self-perception is overcome by evidence of your achievements. For some, this comes easily. Others, however, struggle with understanding how to gain self-confidence. When we have high self-confidence, however,…
30 Day Life Well-Balanced Challenge
How many times have you looked at your phone today? If you can’t answer the question, chances are you’ve done it too many times. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. We love technology as much as the next person. You’re using it right now to read about this challenge. But it’s become such a fixture in our lives that we’ve lost our balance. It’s time…
30 Day Declutter Challenge Launched on Android!
Do you remember taking on the 30 day declutter challenge? It was a way for you to reclaim your home and get back on track! Our home is our sanctuary from the chaos around us, and if we want to live in a place that makes us feel relaxed and calm after a day out at work or running errands, then it’s up to us…
How 5 Fabulous Strangers Embarked on an Unexpected Journey (Part 2)
Denice Davidson, 41, United States I started fabulous a long time ago when I was going through life changes and just needed a boost to motivate me. I wasn’t always this way. At that time I became healthier. I lost weight, and found a running partner to compete in races with. The app worked great and I was happy with my new norm. When I…
10 Health Benefits of a Morning Run
What is one habit nearly all highly-successful people have in common? A morning run. This sleek app will seriously help you build an effective morning run. by Jeffrey Johnson | Dec 12 2018 It’s no secret that running is an incredibly popular way to exercise, whether you go for a morning run, after work, or in the evening. In fact, tens of millions of people do…
How 4 Fabulous Strangers Embarked on an Unexpected Journey (Part 1)
Himanshu Walia, 30, France I recently moved to Paris from London with my family. Relocating with family is never an easy feat. It involved months of planning and, even then, it took us long to settle in here. As a result I wasn’t getting any exercise and living on junk food. Though I have always enjoyed an active lifestyle, I have never able to make…
Will Smith Explains the Difference Between Fault and Responsibility
Actor Will Smith has been charming us on both the big and small screen for decades, but recently he took to the smallest screen of all—our phones—to drop some thoughtful wisdom on Instagram. Reflecting on a debate he had with a friend, Smith discusses the differences between fault and responsibility, stating that the two are not only extremely different, they’re not even remotely related! What…
Quiz: Do You Need Help with Achieving Your Goals?
[onionbuzz quizid=5][/onionbuzz]
Building Self-Esteem: Discover Who You Are with a New Fabulous Journey!
We’re so excited to share that we’re releasing a new journey around building self-esteem for Fabulous users! It’s taken a long time for us to create this special journey, because we wanted to get it perfect. Your journey to building Self-Esteem begins now The self-esteem journey is really a journey about self-discovery. It’s about getting to know yourself, getting to understand the story you have about…