Posts tagged exercise

Fabulous Uncovers: How Long Should I Work Out For?

You’ve finally had enough! Starting tomorrow, you are going to hit the gym and work out with complete dedication. You are fired up and ready to go. In fact, you are filled with so much energy that you think: What if I spend twice as long working out? When it comes to workout duration, most experts recommend anywhere between 45 to 90 minutes. But hold…

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Should You Go For A Morning Run or Night Run?

By now it’s been well-established that running is an extremely beneficial exercise. We all associate fitness with the image of a fitness guru on their morning run or smiling after completing a marathon. So, you’d definitely be moving in the right direction if you decided to tie your shoes and step out for a run. But here’s a question that stumps many beginners, and even…

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The Perfect Morning Ritual to Make You Feel Energized for the Entire Day

Have you ever wondered how that “morning person” friend or coworker always seems to bring an endless supply of energy into the day? Chances are, they didn’t just roll out of bed that way. If you ask them what their “secret” is, you might come to learn that while you were hitting snooze, they were hitting the weight room or the trail. Being around that…

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5 Self-Care Activities to Get You Through to 2019

The end of the year can be a crazy-stressful time for people all over the world. For many of us, upcoming winter holidays are a whirlwind of activity that can be hard to keep up with. For others, final exams are coming, and others still are scrambling to prepare for the upcoming new year. Whatever has got you frazzled this month, self-care activities are probably…

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Can Pets Make You Happy?

Animals make happiness look easy. They live in the moment and find contentment in the simple things, like running in the park or curling up in front of the fire. But can their attitude towards life help us, too? Can pets make you happy? The therapeutic benefits of interacting with pets have long been established. Sigmund Freud almost always had his dog Jofi present during…

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Your Ultimate Guide on How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

We all aspire to live a healthy lifestyle. We scroll through our Instagrams and sigh dreamily at all the yogis posing effortlessly or our favorite foodie’s smoothie bowls. Health is something we all want, and it’s something from which we can all benefit. But, when we get right down to it, do any of us really know how to live a healthy lifestyle? Or do…

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5 Healthy Habits You Need in Your 20s to Thrive in Your 40s

If you turned on your television right now and flipped through the channels, it probably wouldn’t take you long to stumble upon an advertisement of something that promises to make you live longer. Skin care products, health trackers, dietary supplements, there’s a never-ending list of products that attempt to mimic the Fountain of Youth. But the truth is, you don’t need any of that stuff!…

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Yes, You Can Become an Athlete

Picture an athlete in your mind. What do you see? A lithe, strong, muscular body sprinting down a track, or gracefully bounding over hurdles, perhaps? But not all athletes fit this stereotype; some don’t even come close. As it turns out, it’s easier to become an athlete than we originally thought. Size Doesn’t Matter Ragen Chastain smashes world records and stereotypes at the same time. She…

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What’s the Problem with Sitting Too Much?

Does your usual workday involves sitting at an office desk, commuting in a car, and then sitting and watching TV in the evening? If it does, you’re likely sitting too much, and it might be killing you. With the rise of automation, people who live in industrialized nations simply don’t have to work as physically hard as they used to. Our lives have become easier,…

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Exercise for Beginners: How to Build a Solid Daily Exercise Routine

Have you ever made yourself a promise, only to immediately break it? Maybe you promised yourself you’d start a new exercise routine. You bought the clothes, the equipment, and the gym subscription… but never quite made it to the gym. Ever. We find it so easy to break promises to ourselves because there’s no one else to hold us accountable or to suffer the consequences….

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