Fabulous users, we are so excited to announce the launch of the brand new Fabulous Circle! This journey will show you exactly how to create and grow a supportive team of changemakers. You’ll be shown step-by-step how to build this motivational group of positive people guiding and cheering each other on towards total personal achievement.
Together you’ll create a circle of like-minded dreamers. You’ll all be working towards your own individual goals while drawing inspiration from each other. You’ll discover how an interactive community of Fabulous users can provide mutual accountability and encouragement every step of the way.
Your journey to creating a Circle of support begins now
This Fabulous Journey isn’t just about your personal development. Through the Circle, you’ll become a sounding board and an inspirational coach to other Fabulous users whilst also benefiting from their advice and support. A circle has no beginning or end and neither will this reciprocal and fabulous exchange of positive encouragement.
As each user shares daily posts about their own journey, you’ll get to know one another and become a cohesive team.
Research from The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science shows that groups with the same objectives achieve more than individuals. Being a member of a positive team all working towards similar goals provides you with the space to ask questions, or brainstorm ways forward when you face challenges. Instead of throwing in the towel when things get hard, circle members will work together to problem solve. When you meet milestones the circle will revel in your achievements. When one of you enjoys success it will be a feather in all your caps! You will all become active members in a positive community of change.
As your circle expands, you’ll learn about group dynamics. You’ll become an expert in motivating your team every day, providing help to more and more people.
When you are tempted, challenged, or frustrated, who will you turn to? Who will remind you of all the progress you’ve already made and help to break down your future goals into achievable and practical steps forward? This six-week Fabulous Circle journey will helps you to create your own social accountability and support system rolled into one. We’ll take you through the steps of setting up a Facebook group, recruiting new members, and developing weekly goals to grow your circle of authentic connections with other Fabulous users.
Every Fabulous circle is different. Each one is strengthened by the unique members of the group. As you get to know each other and share your stories you will begin to bond over a common goal. By following this journey you will become a Fabulous circle founder.
Are you ready to create the ultimate accountability and support network?
To access this journey, go into your Fabulous settings and sync or re-download the content.