Posts tagged motivation

Theories of Motivation: Part Two

“What would it take to get you to do this?” It’s a very common question, asked by different people at different times. It’s a question a teacher might ask a student who hasn’t completed an assignment. Or one a parent might yell in frustration upon seeing their teenager’s still untidy room. It’s the question you might ask yourself as you look in the mirror. The…

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Theories of Motivation: Part One

The word “motivation” is very popular online these days. You can find “motivational” videos on YouTube, “motivational” posters on Instagram and even “motivational” articles on blogs. But what exactly does that word mean? Over the past century, with the rise of factories and organizations, there’s been a deeper focus on the concept of motivation. What drives an individual to work in a particular manner? Scientists,…

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What is the Recipe for the Best Morning Routine?

Does your usual morning feature multiple snooze button pushes before a crazed rush our of the door where you forget everything and barely arrive at work on time? We can do better than that. Here at Fabulous, we want you to wake up refreshed and ready to take on your day. Imagine how it would feel to have enough time to peacefully prepare for what…

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Your Ultimate Guide to Breaking Bad Habits

What’s your personal guilty pleasure? Do you watch too much TV, overindulge in sweets, or enjoy gossiping at work? Often these sorts of enjoyable vices are talked about in a tongue in cheek way. They can be shrugged off as just our individual peccadillos rather than potentially dangerous mannerisms. But bad habits can stop you from achieving your goals and can even be detrimental to…

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Are Habits Inherited? The Science of Behavior Change

I am sure you have heard the adage that a leopard never changes its spots. But is it true? The cornerstone of self-improvement is that behavior change is realistic and possible for us all. In fact, the capacity for behavior change may just be part of us. Any time that you repeat actions over and over they become ingrained habits. This can be a wonderful…

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Three Lessons Learned from Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist

The Alchemist is a bestselling novel written by Paulo Coelho and published in 1988. Since then, it’s been translated into languages all over the world and adapted to film, theatre, and music. One of the most popular and most highly recommended novels of all time, it seems almost silly introducing it. However, while it is a novel, The Alchemist can often read more like a…

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The Secret of Success is How to Bounce Back From Setbacks

Whenever we make big changes it’s inevitable that we will encounter a few setbacks along the way. Trying to improve our career prospects, health, fitness or working on any other personal goals can be difficult. We grow from these positive changes, but it’s not always comfortable. Plateaus and setbacks are perfectly normal, and it may be the secret of success that you need. Sometimes we…

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Life Lessons From 5 of Top TED Talks of All Time

The annual TED conference is a veritable goldmine of inspiration and knowledge. Each year, people from all over the world come together to exchange “ideas worth spreading,” and we get to reap all the benefits from the comfort of our living room couch for free. We’re huge fans. TED Talks are always enjoyable, but some stand tall above the rest. Here are five of our…

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Yes, You Can Become an Athlete

Picture an athlete in your mind. What do you see? A lithe, strong, muscular body sprinting down a track, or gracefully bounding over hurdles, perhaps? But not all athletes fit this stereotype; some don’t even come close. As it turns out, it’s easier to become an athlete than we originally thought. Size Doesn’t Matter Ragen Chastain smashes world records and stereotypes at the same time. She…

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