We spend more time at work than we do anywhere else. When you retire you will have spent a combined total of 90,000 hours or a third of your life in the office. That’s why it’s so important that you actually enjoy that time and find your work valuable. Sadly many people express dissatisfaction with their job, in fact, last year in a poll by…
Posts tagged motivation
4 Ways to Overcome a Lack of Motivation
We all suffer from a lack of motivation from time to time. It’s easy to dismiss an unproductive day or two as “just being lazy” but what if it’s more than that? What if you truly have no motivation? We’ve identified some steps you can take to get back into the groove. 1. Identify the source. You can’t fix a problem if you don’t know…
Why Drink More Water? The Health Benefits of Water
Everyone knows to drink more water. Love it or hate it, we can’t live without it. But why do some of us hate something so important to our survival? One reason is simply that plain water is boring! It has no real taste and, unless you’re really hot and thirsty, it’s not very refreshing by itself. It’s hard to want plain water when sugary drinks…
My Journey Started with One Step
It started with a drink of water. Never in a million years did I think something as simple as a drink of water could do anything to improve my life. Sure, water kept me clean and satisfied thirst, but they made it sound like a glass of water in the morning would cure all my life problems. It’s not like I had anything to lose….
30 Day Life Well-Balanced Challenge
How many times have you looked at your phone today? If you can’t answer the question, chances are you’ve done it too many times. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. We love technology as much as the next person. You’re using it right now to read about this challenge. But it’s become such a fixture in our lives that we’ve lost our balance. It’s time…
Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements to Himself
The most common cause of our unhappiness is ourselves. We create limits and assumptions in our heads that create anxiety, rob us of joy, and cause our own needless suffering. Don Miguel Ruiz wrote The Four Agreements to teach us how to eliminate those self-imposed beliefs from our thoughts and live our happiest lives by reminding ourselves of four simple mottos. These four mottos, which…
5 Morning Rituals to Help You Win the Day
The most productive days start with the best morning rituals. It can be hard to get into a productive state of mind so early in the morning, but it’s important to remember that your morning rituals set the tone for the rest of your day. If you wake up late and miserable, throw on some pants and rush out the door with a piece of…
How to Be Successful: The Three Pillars of Success
Have you ever wondered how to be successful? What’s your definition of success? Is it fame, or money, or becoming the CEO of your own company? No matter the goal, it takes time and hard work to achieve success. Unfortunately, most of us have also become accustomed to the instant gratification we get from Netflix, high-speed internet, and our smartphones. We don’t know how to…
The Science of Behavior Change: How to Reset Your Habits
We all want to have good habits. In a perfect world, we’d be fully in control of our wants and needs. We’d get up extra early, work out, eat our vegetables, and floss every time without fail. We wouldn’t need to worry about changing our behavior because there’d be no behaviors we’d need to change! Unfortunately, life is nowhere near that simple. We give into…
The Shift of Motivation in the Workplace
Have you ever heard of Karl Duncker’s Candle Problem? It goes like this: You are given a candle, a book of matches, and a box of thumbtacks. Your goal is to attach the candle to the wall so that, when lit, the wax doesn’t drip onto the table below. The solution is deceptively simple but requires a bit of creative thinking. All you have to…