January 29th, 2019

Be More Mindful Everyday

Reading Time: < 1 minutes

Try Active Meditation

You already know the many benefits of regular meditation. These moments of peaceful clarity can keep you healthy and happy, sharpen your mental resolve, and help to manage your feelings. One study found that regular meditation reduced anxiety, depression and lessened stress. But if you’re still finding it difficult to make regular meditation part of your daily routine you might want to consider trying active meditation.

Although allocating a dedicated time to sit or lie down and complete a thorough meditation is ideal, you can still reap some of the benefits of meditation in more manageable ways.

Use wasted moments throughout your day when you are waiting in line, or completing repetitive tasks to focus on being more mindful. As you wash the dishes, fold laundry, tidy your desk, or exercise, follow these steps to practice active meditation.

1.Breathe Deeply

2. Focus on your state of mind and check in with yourself, asking “how am I feeling right now?”

3. Silently repeat a relaxing mantra like “hush” or “be still”

4. Your mind will wander, just continue to pull your focus back to your breath and drop your shoulders, consciously making your breath slower and longer on each inhale and exhale.