January 4th, 2019

New Year, New You: Class of 2021

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s a new year and a new opportunity to wipe the slate clean! So why not start with our 30-day new year, new you challenge! It’s the perfect way to kick off 2019 on the right foot!

How many times have you made a promise (or new year resolution) about the goals you want to achieve, but never end up making any a reality? Or start for a bit, but lose motivation to see your goals through?

That’s why we created the 30-day challenge. Every day, you’ll have a new and simple challenge to jump-start your motivation, and by the end of the challenge, you’ll be ready to take on your own new year goals!

If you’re looking for a buddy to join the challenge with you, share the calendar with friends and family. It’s always a great motivator to have a friend give you that extra push every day.

30 Day New Year, New You Challenge

  1. Set goals you want to achieve
  2. List what you’re grateful for
  3. Remove negativity in your life
  4. Message someone special
  5. Think about the positives
  6. Make an effort to smile more
  7. Cook a healthy meal today
  8. Step out for a 15min walk
  9. Clean & organize your room
  10. Try something new
  11. Pick up a new book to read
  12. Meditate before bed
  13. Cross stuff off your to-do list
  14. Get 7-8 hours of sleep
  15. Enjoy the beauty around you
  16. Disconnect & unplug for 30min
  17. Offer help to friends & family
  18. Spend time with the ones you love
  19. Celebrate how far you’ve come
  20. Drink at least 8 glasses of water
  21. Say 3 nice things about yourself
  22. Forgive someone
  23. Don’t make any excuses
  24. Treat your body and relax
  25. Laugh! Watch a funny movie
  26. Stretch for 10min
  27. Watch the sunrise
  28. Don’t eat past 8pm
  29. Pack a healthy snack for lunch
  30. Commit to being a better you

Download the Fabulous app if you haven’t already and start your new year off on the right foot with the 30 Day New Year, New You Challenge today!

P.S. If you have the app and cannot find the challenge, go into your settings and re-download the content. This may take a few minutes. Make sure your screen is left on while it re-downloads the content. 

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