April 12th, 2022

3 Fabulous Strategies for Keeping Employees Engaged

Reading Time: 3 minutes

You’ve recently added Fabulous to your workplace wellness program toolbelt and the initial response has been great. Employees have enjoyed exploring the app and learning about the basics of building healthy habits and a daily routine. But, much like any new and exciting thing, once the honeymoon phase is over, interest naturally begins to drop.

Believe it or not, this ebb and flow of motivation is all part of the process. The road to wellness is not linear. By studying the work of behavioral economists, we’ve discovered that it’s normal for motivation to wane over time. If not addressed, the flame of engagement can fizzle out entirely.

The best way to keep employees engaged is to recognize these motivational flickers and take a proactive approach to reignite their inner passion. Supporting employees through difficult moments builds trust and security, which in turn boost engagement and productivity. It also keeps valuable talent around longer and looks good for your brand. That’s why Fabulous offers a number of different ways to help employees flourish no matter what they’re going through.

If you find your employees are disengaged at work, here are some ways Fabulous can help.

1. Launch a Live Challenge 

When all the hustle and bustle of a busy daily routine is overwhelming, Fabulous Challenges are an amazing way to shift your entire focus on just one habit. Challenges are easy to commit to and rarely last longer than a week. 

They’re a great way to refresh a daily practice or dive headfirst into something new.

Live Challenges have the added appeal of a community. Facing the challenge alongside coworkers adds an extra layer of support for participants while also offering valuable team-building time. Employees can hold each other accountable and celebrate each other’s wins.

Bonus tip: Add some competitive flair by offering a prize! Perhaps One Big Pizza Party for the team that successfully completes the One Big Thing Challenge?

2. Track Wellness With Pulse Surveys

The easiest way to find out how your employees are feeling is simply to ask them. But gathering good feedback can be complicated. What sort of feedback to look for and how best to get it are only the tip of the iceberg. And constant barrages of questions can leave employees feeling overwhelmed, especially those reluctant to share feedback, to begin with.

Enter the pulse survey, yet another example of leveraging small habits for big changes. Fabulous tracks four key pillars of well-being—Physical Wellbeing, Mental Wellbeing, Productivity, and Connection—with short anonymous pulse surveys. The team leader dashboard uses that data to visualize the natural workflow of your company. You’ll also get activity recommendations based on weekly results or noteworthy trends.

3. Make “Work-free Zones” With Custom Circles

One of the toughest adjustments that’s resulted from the sudden shift to remote work is the challenge of connecting with colleagues outside of work-specific interactions. Incidental conversations with people outside of your team are difficult to recreate outside of an office but they’re vital for the overall social health of a company. Casual socializing builds camaraderie and trust, making collaboration easier and boosting overall morale. 

Intentionally curating these spaces might feel like you’re encouraging employees not to work but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The more opportunities your employees have to connect with one another, the better.

Fabulous Circles are a great way to bring groups of people together around a common habit, goal, or interest. Consider going beyond Circles for each team at your company. Find out what some common hobbies are and create a Circle for that. How about a walking meetings Circle? Or a Circle for a weekly remote work show and tell?

Improve Employee Wellness To Improve Employee Performance

Keeping employees engaged at work starts with helping them to a place of wellness through education and support. Whether it’s helping with stress management or learning to prioritize daily tasks, Fabulous empowers its users by giving them the tools they need to shape their habits so they can thrive.

How has Fabulous helped your employee engagement rates?