Are you stuck at your desk, staring at the wall? Have you been feeling zoned out today? It happens to the best of us. Our world is full of distractions and they can leave us wondering how to get focused and do what we need to do each day. Here are some tips to get you back on track with blazing focus. [the_ad_group id=”151″] 1….
Posts tagged technology
30 Day Life Well-Balanced Challenge
How many times have you looked at your phone today? If you can’t answer the question, chances are you’ve done it too many times. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. We love technology as much as the next person. You’re using it right now to read about this challenge. But it’s become such a fixture in our lives that we’ve lost our balance. It’s time…
The Secret to Winning Arguments is That You Can’t
Arguing sometimes seems like an inevitable part of life. Now more than ever, with social media fully integrated into the everyday lives of people all over the world, people seem to be endlessly arguing amongst themselves about what to care about, who to vote for, and whether or not hot dogs are sandwiches. While there might not appear to be any trouble with a friendly,…
The Coaching Habit: Stop Giving Advice
Imagine you’re talking to a friend who’s having a problem at work. They’re worried about what to do and turn to you for advice. What do you say? Would you jump right in with possible solutions or lecture them? Most of us would, but Michael Bungay Stanier sums up how he feels about giving advice with a simple haiku: Tell less and ask more. Your…
Quit Social Media and Focus on Deep Work
We have become a society of easily distracted people. The constant barrage of notifications from our smartphones has us addicted to filling each moment of our lives with bursts of empty activity. We are taught by our jobs, through mindless email sending and our never-ending piles of busy work, that it is more important to look busy, rather than actually be busy. However, this shallow…
Strategies to Preserve the Future of Happiness
The rise of technology in our everyday lives comes at a cost. Not only are we more connected than ever, we are also more depressed and dissatisfied with our lives than ever. Some people even go to the extreme of cutting technology from their lives entirely, believing they were happier without. In her book, The Future of Happiness Amy Blankson assures that we can learn…