According to Gallup’s 2017 State of the American Workplace report, 51% of American workers are actively looking for a new job. 3 million workers voluntarily left their job in 2016, a number that’s gradually increasing as worker confidence increases. People leave their jobs for all sorts of reasons. Some simply can’t stand their current work anymore. Others are undergoing important life changes, like a…
Posts tagged personal development
6 Things You Can Do on Sunday to Win the Week
Have you ever spent a Sunday morning lazily sipping a cup of coffee and wondering what to do with the rest of the day? Modern life is often so hectic that almost all of us are less focused on how to win the week ahead and more focused on just keeping our heads above water. So, when you wake up groggy on a Sunday morning,…
Becoming Better Than Before with Gretchen Rubin’s Habit-Forming Techniques
Take a minute to think about what you did to get ready this morning. Maybe you jumped right out of bed, brushed your teeth, and had a healthy breakfast. Maybe you hit the snooze button once or twice. Whatever your morning routine looks like, ask yourself this: How much of it did you consciously think about while you were doing it? Chances are, you didn’t…
Man’s Search for Meaning in the Darkest of Places
Viktor Frankl was a world-renowned psychiatrist and neuroscientist. He was also a Holocaust survivor, having suffered through four different Nazi concentration camps. During those unfathomably dark years, Frankl learned that finding meaning in one’s life is humanity’s deepest desire. He also learned that it’s possible to find meaning in life anywhere, even in the darkest of places. Upon being freed from Türkheim, he would dedicate…
Is the 10,000 Hour Rule Wrong?
When famous stand-up comedians step onstage, they’re met with a wave of claps and cheers from the audience. This round of applause is the crowd’s way of pumping them with confidence. It’s almost like they’re saying, “I believe in you. I know you’re going to make me laugh tonight.” On the other hand, amateurs sometimes get a quieter greeting. They don’t want to bomb, and…
Chasing the Dream: 40% of Happiness is a Choice
When Monday morning rolls around, do you jump out of bed inspired and motivated for the day ahead? If you love your job, you’re in the minority. Unfortunately, job dissatisfaction is common. Most people are not making a living at their dream job and this can cause them to feel resentment and even depression. On an average day, you spend more time at the office…
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do by Amy Morin
Anyone familiar with Amy Morin’s famous Lifehack article, “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do,” which she later expanded to a full-length book of the same title, might find it a bit odd that we decided to do a recap for today’s blog. After all, the article sums everything up quite nicely! That’s very true, and we see no need to reinvent the wheel. So,…
Your Ultimate Guide to Dealing with Stress
Winter holidays are approaching and, with it, all sorts of stressors. With all the obligations that come with the end of the year piling on top of what you already do every day, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Despite all the joy we feel being with loved ones and celebrating, our stress levels are shown to skyrocket during the end of the year. And stress,…
Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements to Himself
The most common cause of our unhappiness is ourselves. We create limits and assumptions in our heads that create anxiety, rob us of joy, and cause our own needless suffering. Don Miguel Ruiz wrote The Four Agreements to teach us how to eliminate those self-imposed beliefs from our thoughts and live our happiest lives by reminding ourselves of four simple mottos. These four mottos, which…
Set up for Success: Create Your Ultimate Personal Development Plan
Taking the time to lay out your personal development plan can make it much easier to accomplish your goals, and the Fabulous app can help you do exactly that. Founded in 2013, The Fabulous gives you the opportunity to be a better you by crafting a personalized journey to help you achieve your goals. In just 19 days, create a plan that works for you and join millions…