Whenever we make big changes it’s inevitable that we will encounter a few setbacks along the way. Trying to improve our career prospects, health, fitness or working on any other personal goals can be difficult. We grow from these positive changes, but it’s not always comfortable. Plateaus and setbacks are perfectly normal, and it may be the secret of success that you need. Sometimes we…
Posts tagged mentality
Stoic Philosophy: Ancient Wisdom in the Modern World
What do a Roman emperor, a former slave, and a Greek Philosopher all have in common? All three were practitioners of the Stoic philosophy, a unique school of thought for its time whose teachings of tolerance, virtue, and self-control, have inspired thinkers and leaders for centuries. Stoicism was developed by Zeno of Citium in the early 3rd century BC. After losing everything to a shipwreck,…
How to Have Confidence: Power Dressing
William Shakespeare once said that the clothes make the man, but he likely had no idea how right he was. What we wear says a lot about who we are and what we feel. Clothes can strike fear into our hearts or help us learn how to have confidence in ourselves. Power dressing is the latter. Born in the late 1970s, women who wanted to…
Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements to Himself
The most common cause of our unhappiness is ourselves. We create limits and assumptions in our heads that create anxiety, rob us of joy, and cause our own needless suffering. Don Miguel Ruiz wrote The Four Agreements to teach us how to eliminate those self-imposed beliefs from our thoughts and live our happiest lives by reminding ourselves of four simple mottos. These four mottos, which…
How to Be Successful: The Three Pillars of Success
Have you ever wondered how to be successful? What’s your definition of success? Is it fame, or money, or becoming the CEO of your own company? No matter the goal, it takes time and hard work to achieve success. Unfortunately, most of us have also become accustomed to the instant gratification we get from Netflix, high-speed internet, and our smartphones. We don’t know how to…
Meet the App Revolutionizing Your Monday Mornings
Some of the most successful people in the world have one thing in common: their outlook on the week. When you wake up Monday morning dreading the coming week, how can you possibly perform at your best? If you’re wondering how can learn to look at Mondays with a smile, then look no further than the Fabulous app. Founded in 2013, The Fabulous gives you…
Being Yourself and Braving the Wilderness
Whether we were trying to fit in with our peers as children or hoping our coworkers will like us as adults, we’ve all felt the desire to belong. It can also feel impossible to find acceptance while being yourself. Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown explores the need to belong and teaches us that to truly belong, we must be comfortable being our most authentic selves. Using…
Expressing Feelings: Why It’s Time to Embrace Your Emotions
Expressing feelings have gotten a bad rep. Social media prides us on relentless positivity, we’re encouraged to persevere through tough situations with an unwavering smile on our face and then we’re praised for being so strong. Many of us even feel ashamed when we feel a “bad” emotion like sadness or anger, and instead, we opt to keep those feelings to ourselves while we put…
Lessons Learned from the Original Behavioral Economists in The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis
In Michael Lewis: The Undoing Project, he explores the partnership of Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, two of the most famous psychologists you’ve never heard of. Though the pair live in obscurity outside of academia, their work—often considered the scientific community’s first foray into behavioral economics—includes some of the most often-cited academic papers of all time, and have completely changed the way we understand and…
Success Is All About Having A Growth Mindset
There is a high school in Chicago that does not give failing grades. Instead, when students do not meet the requirements to pass a class they’re taking, they receive the grade “Not Yet.” The reasoning is that failure is a kiss of death for personal growth; when people are told they have explicitly failed something, they believe the failure is permanent and that they failed…