William Shakespeare once said that the clothes make the man, but he likely had no idea how right he was. What we wear says a lot about who we are and what we feel. Clothes can strike fear into our hearts or help us learn how to have confidence in ourselves. Power dressing is the latter. Born in the late 1970s, women who wanted to…
Posts tagged confidence
8 Ways to Build Self-Confidence
Have you had your doubts lately? We’ve all been there, but how do we get back on track and feel more confident? Here are 10 ways you can start to build self-confidence today. 1. Get The Fabulous app. Our journeys will help you regain order and discipline in your life with new healthy habits, and our Fabulous users are here to support you every step…
Jen Sincero Wants You to Live Like the Badass You Are
Have you ever wanted to change careers, go back to school, or move far away to start a new life? Maybe you were once excited by the idea of change but, as soon as you started taking the first steps, you started to doubt yourself. Your loved ones called you crazy. You realized the commitment would be more expensive than you originally thought. You got…