The health risks that come with not getting enough sleep are well-documented. Sleep is our body’s opportunity to rest and repair itself and not having enough time to do that can make us stressed and sick. But what about the other end of the spectrum? Can you sleep too much? The answer is yes, absolutely. Sleeping too much can lead to just as many health…
Posts tagged wellness
The Effects of Stress on Your Body
Have you ever felt so stressed about something that it was all you could think about? Stress gives us tunnel vision. When we’re stressed, it’s hard to focus on anything but what’s causing our stress. Bills, trouble with loved ones, difficulties at work all can quickly overwhelm us and make our hard lives even harder. The effects of stress can wear down our bodies and…
Exercise for Beginners: How to Build a Solid Daily Exercise Routine
Have you ever made yourself a promise, only to immediately break it? Maybe you promised yourself you’d start a new exercise routine. You bought the clothes, the equipment, and the gym subscription… but never quite made it to the gym. Ever. We find it so easy to break promises to ourselves because there’s no one else to hold us accountable or to suffer the consequences….
4 Ways to Overcome a Lack of Motivation
We all suffer from a lack of motivation from time to time. It’s easy to dismiss an unproductive day or two as “just being lazy” but what if it’s more than that? What if you truly have no motivation? We’ve identified some steps you can take to get back into the groove. 1. Identify the source. You can’t fix a problem if you don’t know…
3 Exercises to do at Home (When You’re Sick of the Gym)
Do you feel like you should be exercising more? Do you hate the gym? Is running kind of ‘meh’ for you? You’re definitely not alone. We have nothing against the gym, but let’s be honest: It’s not for everyone. For many, having exercises to do at home isn’t just better, but necessary. Does this mean we all need to invest in dumbbells and a treadmill…
Break Free of Your Inner Voice and Live with an Untethered Soul
Imagine you’re at a movie theater to see a film. This theater is special, however; instead of just sitting in a seat and watching the movie, the theater completely immerses you in the experience. You are able to smell, taste, and feel everything that’s going on around you. You even hear the protagonist’s thoughts as if they were your own. According to Michael A. Singer,…
Curb Compulsive Eating with The Food Therapist
It’s nearly 1 AM. You should be in bed but you’ve been hit with a nasty case of the midnight munchies. You’ve tried everything but meditating cravings away doesn’t ever seem to work nearly as well as health bloggers say it does. Before you know it, you’ve inhaled a pint of ice cream and, after deciding there’s no coming back from your failure, going back…
Why Drink More Water? The Health Benefits of Water
Everyone knows to drink more water. Love it or hate it, we can’t live without it. But why do some of us hate something so important to our survival? One reason is simply that plain water is boring! It has no real taste and, unless you’re really hot and thirsty, it’s not very refreshing by itself. It’s hard to want plain water when sugary drinks…
The Empath’s Survival Guide: Helping Sensitive People Thrive in an Insensitive World
“You’re so sensitive.” “You need to grow a thicker skin.” “Buck up.” If anyone has ever said anything like this to you before, you know how unhelpful it is to hear. While everyone has a different capacity for handling difficult people or situations, according to Dr. Judith Orloff, some of us may be especially sensitive to other people’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions: Empaths. Anyone is…
Yawning A Lot? 4 Surprising Benefits of Yawning
I have some bad news for you: There’s a good chance that, by the time you’ve finished reading this article, you will have yawned at least once. In fact, if you find yourself yawning a lot while you read this article, don’t be surprised! It’s not because I’m about to bore you (at least I hope not!), but rather because today we’re talking about one…