If you’re always running late, don’t beat yourself up too much. According to a YouGov poll, one in five Americans admit to being late for work at least once a week: You’re clearly among friends! Chronic lateness is running amok in modern society and the reasons why are vast and complex. Our lives are fast-paced and full of distractions, far more than fifty or even…
Posts tagged success
Increase Your Abundance with Laina Buenostar’s Happy Money Method
How do we generate more wealth? Through her own experimentation, Buenostar has devised a deceptively simple two-step method to inviting abundance in our lives. She calls it the Happy Money method and it only takes five dollars to get started. Financial literacy education is going the way of the dodo. Children are growing up with no idea how to gain or manage money and it…
A 6-Minute Routine That’s Guaranteed to Transform Your Morning
Picture the first six minutes of your usual morning routine. What does it look like? If you’re like most of us, the first six minutes of your morning might involve little more than hitting the snooze button, rolling over, and trying to get another ten minutes of sleep. What if we told you we can transform your morning in just 6 minutes? We all know…
Build the Same Habits of Highly Effective People
What’s the secret to being successful? Is it the ability to function off of minimal sleep? Giving up your social life to spend your entire days pursuing your goal? We all want to be successful—what distinguishes us, though, is that we all have a different definition of success. For some it’s about money, or fame, or the ability to live a quiet, stress-free, secluded life….
Quiz: Do You Need Help with Achieving Your Goals?
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15 Power Exercises to Improve Your Mental Strength
Your mental health is as important as your physical health, yet there is far more information out there focused on improving your physical strength than your mental strength. Your mind is a muscle, and just like you need to challenge it, you also need to allow it to recover. Try these power exercises to improve your mental strength, and your ability to handle life, the…
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell
In Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcom Gladwell explores the psychology behind decision making and its correlation with our subconscious biases. Gladwell incorporates scientific studies and findings with a series of stories about judging by first impressions to help the reader understand why we make these decisions before taking the time to carefully consider the facts. Have you ever had a feeling that…
Quiz: What New Habit Should You Pick up This Year?
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Gabourey Sidibe’s Memoir is a Candid Lesson in Self-Confidence
Gabourey Sidibe was told by three different psychics on three different occasions that she would someday become famous. They didn’t know how, when, or why, only that she would someday be a household name, even famous enough to meet Oprah. There was something in her eyes, they said, something about the confidence with which she carried herself, that would someday make her a superstar. As…
The Power of “No” – How to Say No and Reduce Your Anxieties
Have you figured out how to say no? Picture this; It’s 4:59pm on Friday. You’re finishing up the last of your day’s work, relieved that in less than 60 seconds, you’ll be free to go home and decompress from a long week of meetings, errands, and workplace drudgery. After dedicating your time and energy to the people around you, it’s finally time to look after…