There’s a famous slogan credited to the U.S. Army: “We do more before 9 A.M. than most people do all day.” If just reading that sentence made you groan and pull the blanket over your face, don’t worry. You too can become a productive morning person and stop waking up late, without having to enlist for boot camp. If you’ve always suffered from not being…
Posts tagged sleep deprivation
Why We Sleep (And How to Get More of It)
Sleep. It’s something we all have to do, but as life becomes more fast-paced and interconnected than ever before, sleep has been shoved to the backburner. When you have variable work schedules, meetings with colleagues on the other side of the globe, or have to stay up late during exams or project crunch times, a good night’s rest can feel downright impossible. What are we…
A Bedtime Routine to Get the Best Sleep of Your Life
Do you find yourself struggling to fall asleep at night? Maybe you lie back and stare at the ceiling or toss and turn trying to get comfortable. But, no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to drift off. If that sounds at all familiar, let me ask you something: What does your bedtime routine look like? Many of us lay in bed and…
The Importance of Sleep for Students
Students are often depicted as perpetually awake. They pull all-nighters to study for a test one night and party hard the next. But these habits could harm more than just their grades. Burning the candle at both ends means that students often forfeit a good night’s sleep. But undermining the importance of sleep can have devastating consequences on our health and wellness. What Happens When…
Building Good Habits: How Much Sleep Do You Need?
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), 33% of American adults aren’t getting enough sleep. The AASM calls it a “health imperative,” as sleep is, “a growing and underappreciated determinant of health status.” Sleep deprivation is taking a toll on our collective health. But how much sleep do you need? And what happens when you don’t get enough? Can you sleep too much?…