Close your eyes and picture somebody who is struggling with addiction. What image comes to mind? Probably something that you saw on T.V. right? Maybe a shabby, unhealthy person begging for drugs? And what feelings accompany such imagery? Compassion and empathy? Or judgement and disgust? Unfortunately, over the years, we’ve been conditioned by society to look down upon the concept of addiction. However, addiction is…
Posts tagged new feature
Announcing Fabulous’s New Total Tidy-Up Journey!
Do you have a clutter problem? If you do, you’re like most people in the modern world. We live in a time of excess but our brains are hard-wired for scarcity. We hang onto items we don’t need for years because we “might need them someday.” We buy and consume far more than we need. And nothing–no amount of books, cars, or commemorative dinner plates–ever…
Fabulous Is Now On Your Apple Watch!
You asked and we answered. We’re excited to make our habit-change programs even more convenient by bringing Fabulous to Apple Watch devices. Now, you can power through your productivity goals and make meaningful, lifelong changes to your behavior more easily than ever before. One of the key components of successful habit change is making those changes as painless and convenient as possible. Now, when it’s…
Explore What Fabulous Has to Offer with Our New Discover Menu
Whether you’ve been with us since the beginning or just downloaded Fabulous yesterday, you may have noticed that our humble little app has a lot to offer. With so many Journeys, Challenges, and Make Me Fabulous modules, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with choices. Where do I start? Where should I start? What exists on this app that I don’t even know about yet? Worry…