It’s never a bad time to be thinking of ways HR can help managers maintain employee productivity. However, as remote work is becoming more commonplace and global stressors are at an all-time high, supporting employees has become a major priority for many. Stressed employees don’t perform well. They make more mistakes. They’re also more likely to get sick and need time off to recover. All…
Posts tagged productivity
Boost Your Team Productivity with These 5 Fabulous Habits
Looking to boost your team’s productivity? Start with attention and care for their physical, mental, and emotional health. These are key components of a team that can perform consistently at a high level. Fabulous is a science-based solution for building all kinds of healthy habits, from building a meditation practice to simply showering each day. Here are 5 habits that Fabulous users can build with…
4 Workplace Habits to Foster Inclusion and Boost Productivity
Inclusion as a habit There are a lot of things you can do to boost the productivity of your employees. Creating time blocks for deep work, offering healthy meals and snacks in the office, or hosting virtual non-working events that allow remote workers to socialize are just a few examples you’ve probably heard before. But one area of workplace wellness often gets overlooked: Diversity and…
Can Working from Home Help Your Work-Life Balance?
Your alarm rings first thing in the morning, before the sun even comes up. You’re filled with the same dread you feel every morning: The dread that comes with knowing you’ll have to get out of bed, put on some big kid clothes, and head out to work. Who hasn’t fantasized about working from home, also called telecommuting, during these moments? What greater joy…
6 Things You Can Do on Sunday to Win the Week
Have you ever spent a Sunday morning lazily sipping a cup of coffee and wondering what to do with the rest of the day? Modern life is often so hectic that almost all of us are less focused on how to win the week ahead and more focused on just keeping our heads above water. So, when you wake up groggy on a Sunday morning,…
Can Music Help You Focus?
It might seem like the world is divided into those who can’t listen to music while working, and those who can’t work without listening to music. For every person who nods along with earphones plugged in, there seems to be one who complains, “Excuse me, could you turn down the volume?” One group swears that listening to music improves focus and boosts productivity. The opposing…
How to Organize Your Life With the Bullet Journal Method
Have you ever forgotten an important appointment because you wrote it down in the wrong place? Or maybe you had a really great idea, slapped it hastily on a sticky note, and then threw that note away thinking it was garbage a few days later. We’ve all failed to plan our days properly from time to time, but what if it was because our planners…
How to Stop Procrastinating Until the Last Minute
Have you ever taken a 5-minute break from studying for an exam, only to wonder an hour later how you ended up watching a video about raccoons chasing a cat around a dumpster? Procrastination can sneak up on you and is a tough habit to break. Maybe you’ve even procrastinated while searching for ways to stop procrastinating! The key to winning this daily battle is,…
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
Have you ever been so caught up in an activity that you lost all sense of time? Maybe you were reading an amazing book or working on a passion project when, suddenly, the day was over? During moments like these, you’re focused on what’s in front of you, at the exclusion of everything else. Your productivity and enjoyment spike and you feel “in the zone.”…
Fabulous Uncovers: Does Being Forgetful Make You a Smart Person?
You’re running late for work. Despite all your evening preparation, you still find yourself scrambling out the door… because you forgot where you put your car keys! It’s moments like these that we don’t feel like a particularly smart person. With all the complex things we can remember to do like pay taxes and drive, how can we possibly forget things like where our keys…