Picture this: You’ve had a long day at work and all you want to do is decompress in front of the television. You sit down with your snacks and fire up the streaming service of your choice… then spend nearly an hour just choosing what to watch, only to give up and play Candy Crush on your phone instead. Why does this happen? The problem…
Posts tagged decisions
How To Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill might not have known how influential his book Think and Grow Rich would be when he published it in 1937. But, nearly a century later, copies are still flying off the shelves. Think and Grow Rich was a commissioned piece; Hill was asked by none other than Andrew Carnegie to put together a list of the common qualities all wealthy, successful people share….
Stop Overthinking! Start Living Instead
Have you ever been told to stop overthinking? Though It’s wise to think through your decisions, there comes a point where you try to figure out how long is too long? Why Do We Overthink? Overthinking is fueled by uncertainty – or even fear – of the future. You’re unsure about how something will happen or take place, so you anxiously conjure up circumstances and…