Posts tagged building habits

How Long Does It Take To Create A Habit?

What do a pizza delivery ad, a gym workout routine, and a business management degree all have in common?   They all emphasize how long it will take before you’re fed, fit or educated. All of us have reasonable time expectations regarding every activity we undertake. You won’t stand in an ATM queue unless you know you’ll get your money within ten minutes, just like…

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Why Build Good Habits If You’ll Just Fail?

No one ever said change was easy. In fact, changing your habits–either by developing good habits or breaking bad ones–can be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do. It’s hard to change behavior because it’s such a deep part of who we are that we don’t even think about it, even while we’re doing it. I’m sorry to say it, but if you try…

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Why You Should Create A Reminder Every Day

Have you ever double-booked an appointment, forgot to make a call or left something important behind at home or the office? If so, congratulations, you are not a robot! People are not infallible. We make mistakes and fall short of our own expectations. We can easily neglect our obligations and responsibilities, especially if we are feeling overwhelmed. Don’t be so hard on yourself if your…

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The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Daily Routine

Wake up, go to work, come home, make dinner, go to bed. Sometimes it can feel like you are living your life on repeat. The same daily routine, day in, day out, over and over again, without deviation. The daily toil can become dull. But those repetitive routines that bring structure to your day can actually be your secret weapon. They help to increase productivity,…

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